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汪胜祥,湖北浠水人,19803月生,武汉纺织大学三级教授,湖北省楚天学者计划海外高层次引进人才,硕士生导师,现任武汉纺织大学数理科学学院院长。曾担任武汉纺织大学电子与电气工程学院副院长、“教育部首批全国党建工作样板支部(武汉纺织大学电气教师党支部)”支部书记,获武汉纺织大学“最美教师”荣誉称号。先后获武汉水利电力大学工学学士(2001),三峡大学工学硕士(2004),武汉大学工学博士(2007)。20076月至20079月,在香港理工大学应用物理系担任助理研究员。200710月至20113月,在法国国家科学院(CNRS电子、微电子及纳米技术(Institut d’Electronique de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie, IEMN研究所进行博士后研究工作。20162月至20171月,美国佐治亚理工学院电气与计算机工程学院任访问学者。主持国家自然科学基金1项,参与国家自然科学基金重大仪器专项1项,主持湖北省自然科学基金1项,其他企业横向合作项目多项。已在Nature CommunicationsAdvanced MaterialsACS Applied materials & InterfacesScientific ReportsOptics Express Applied Physics LettersAPL MaterialsJournal of Applied Physics等刊物上发表论文70余篇,文章被引用的H因子为22 ,论文他引1300余次(Google Scholar Citation)。

I. 研究领域

1. 功能材料及器件;

2. 超常规介质材料;

3. 超声/微流控生物检测技术;

4. 柔性电子器件及应用。

II. 大学开始受教育经历

· 1997-2001年,武汉水利电力大学,机械工程系,本科/工学学士

· 2001-2004年,三峡大学,机械与材料工程系,研究生/工学硕士

· 2004-2007年,武汉大学,物理科学与技术学院,研究生/工学博士

· 20187月,江西干部学院,教育部“高校教师党支部书记‘双带头人’培训班”

· 20196月,湖北红安干部学院,武汉纺织大学“教师党支部书记培训班”

· 20196月,西安交通大学-延安干部学院,武汉市委组织部“武汉市知识分子国情研修示范班”

· 20197月,浙江大学,武汉纺织大学中层干部培训班

· 20199-11月,湖北省委党校,年轻干部培训班

III. 研究工作经历

· 20076-20079月,香港理工大学,应用物理系,助理研究员

· 20079-20113月,法国国家科研中心(CNRS),电子、微电子及纳米技术研究所(IEMNCNRS 8520),博士后

· 20162-20171月,美国佐治亚理工学院,电气与计算机工程学院,访问学者

· 20117-20179月,武汉纺织大学电子与电气工程学院,副教授

· 201710-20222月,武汉纺织大学电子与电气工程学院,教授

· 20185-20222月,武汉纺织大学电子与电气工程学院,副院长

· 20223-至今,武汉纺织大学数理科学学院,教授

· 20223-20224月,武汉纺织大学数理科学学院,副院长

· 20224-至今,武汉纺织大学数理科学学院,院长

IV. 党内任职经历

· 20123-201512月,武汉纺织大学电子与电气工程学院电子教师党支部副书

· 20183-20223月,武汉纺织大学电子与电气工程学院电气系教师党支部书记

V. 获得的主要奖励

· 2020年荣获“长江防汛抗洪先进个人”;

· 2019年电气系教工党支部荣获武汉纺织大学“先进党支部”、个人荣获“优秀党支部书记”;

· 2018年电气系教工党支部获武汉纺织大学“先进党支部”;

· 2018年所在电气系教工党支部入选教育部第一批全国党建工作“样板支部”;

· 2017年获武汉纺织大学教学成果特等奖;

· 2017年第八届湖北省高等学校教学成果奖二等奖;

· 2015年“纺织之光”2015年中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等教育教学成果二等奖;

· 2011年获批湖北省“楚天学者”计划海外高层次人才。

VI. 近五年主持或参加项目

1. 柔性电磁超常材料的制备及其特性研究。国家自然科学基金基金项目,2014.1-2016.1225万,主持;

2. 基于微流控芯片的胎儿有核红细胞分析仪。国家自然科学基金重大仪器专项项目,660万,2016.1-2020.12,项目组主要成员;

3. 柔性电磁超常材料的制备及其特性研究。湖北省自然科学基金基金项目,2014.1-2015.126万,主持;

4. 智能服饰与服装关键电子技术创新团队。武汉纺织大学校创新基金,40万,主持;

5. 瓦斯继电器校验仪研究开发,企业委托,26万,主持;

6. 可穿戴吸波面料开发,企业委托,20万,主持;

7. 超声波检测技术,企业委托,240万,主持。

VII. 发表的主要论文


1. G Wei, Z Liu, H Wu, L Wang, S Wang*, J Xiao*,“Boundary configured chiral edge states in valley topological photonic crystal”,Optics Letters ,2022, 47 (12), 3007-3010

2. P Wang, R Hu, X Huang, T Wang, S Hu, M Hu, H Xu, X Li, K Liu, S Wang*, L Kang, D.H. Werner,Terahertz chiral metamaterials enabled by textile manufacturing”, Advanced Materials, 2022, 2110590

3. Cai Zhou, D Zhu, F Liu, C Feng, M Zhang, L Ding, M Xu, S Wang*,“Electric-field-induced in-plane effective 90° magnetization rotation in Co2FeAl/PMN-PT structure”,Chinese Physics B202130 (5), 057504

4. Shulin Hu, Peng Wang, Cai Zhou, Min Hu, Yuli Xiong, Huanhuan Xu, Xiaoyu Li, Mingyao Xu, Shengxiang Wang*, “Control of THz Surface Plasmons by Geometric Phases”, Frontiers in Physics, 2021, doi: 10.3389/fphy.2020.612163

5. Cai Zhou, Mingfang Zhang, Fufu Liu, Ying Jin, Changjun Jiang, Min Hu, Cunfang Feng, Fenglong Wang, Mingyao Xu, Shengxiang Wang*, “Magnon-tuning non-volatile magnetic dynamics in a CoZr/PMN-PT structure”, Scientific Reports 2020, 10 (1), 1-7

6. Yuli Xiong,* Menghan You, Fangyan Liu, Menghao Wu, Chengfeng Cai, Lei Ding, Cai Zhou, Min Hu,Wentao Deng, and Shengxiang Wang*“Pt-Decorated, NanocarbonIntercalated, and N‑Doped Graphenewith Enhanced Activity and Stability for Oxygen Reduction Reaction”ACS Applied Energy Materials 2020 (3), 2490-2495

7. Min Hu, Xuelian Wu, Wen Liang Tan, Boer Tan, Andrew D. Scully, Lei Ding, Cai Zhou, Yuli Xiong,Fuzhi Huang, Alexandr N. Simonov, Udo Bach, Yi-Bing Cheng, Shengxiang Wang*, and Jianfeng Lu*“Solvent Engineering of a Dopant-Free Spiro-OMeTAD Hole-Transport Layer for Centimeter-Scale Perovskite Solar Cells withHigh Efficiency and Thermal Stability”ACS Applied materials & Interfaces 2020 (12),8260-8270

8. Shengxiang Wang*, Chengfeng Cai, Menghan You, Fangyan Liu, Menghao Wu, Songzhan Li, Huaguang Bao, Lei Kang, and Douglas H. Werner, “Vanadium dioxide based broadband THz metamaterial absorbers with high tunability: simulation study”, Optics Express2019 27 (14), 19436-19447

9. Cai Zhou, Menghan You, Lei Ding, Cunfang Feng, Mingyao Xu, Shengxiang Wang*,“Enhancement of resonance frequency of stripe domain soft magnetic film by oblique sputtering”, Applied Physics A 2019125 (3), 174

10. Cai Zhou, Mingfang Zhang, Cunfang Feng, Mingyao Xu, Shengxiang Wang, Changjun Jiang, “Magnon-driven interfacial magnetoelectric coupling in Co/PMN-PT multiferroic heterostructures”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physic2019, 21 (38), 21438-21444

11. YanqinYangSongzhan LiFengLiuJianWenNangangZhang, Shengxiang Wang, K Liu, Enhanced performance of multi-dimensional CoS nanoflake/NiO nanosheet architecture with synergetic effect for asymmetric supercapacitor, Nanotechnology29 (45), 2018, 455401

12. Feng Liu, Shuibing Wang, Zhigang Lu, Yumei Sun, Chaogang Yang, Qiongwei Zhou, Shaoli Hong, Shengxiang Wang, Bin Xiong, Kan Liu & Nangang Zhang, “A simple pyramid-shaped microchamber towards highly efficient isolation of circulating tumor cells from breast cancer patients”, Biomedical microdevices 2018, 20 (4), 83

13. Luman Qin, Wei Zhou, Shoukun Zhang, Boran Cheng, Shubin Wang, Songzhan Li, Yanqin Yang, Shengxiang Wang, Kan Liu, Nangang Zhang, “Highly Efficient Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells Using a Simple Wedge-Shaped Microfluidic Device”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2018, 66 (6), 1536-1541

14. Shengxiang Wang, Guochao Wei, Xiaochuan Wang, Zhengpeng Qin, Yuan Li, Wen Lei, Zhihao Jiang, Lei Kang, Douglas H. Werner, “Asymmetric transmissioin based on magnetic resonance coupling in 3D-printed metamaterials”, Applied Physics Letters, 2018(113), 081904

15. Shengxiang Wang, Lei Kang, Douglas H. Werner, “Active Terahertz Chiral Metamaterials Based on Phase Transition of Vanadium Dioxide (VO2)”, Scientific Reports, 2018(8), 189

16. Shengxiang Wang, Lei Kang, Douglas H. Werner, “Hybrid Resonators and Highly Tunable Terahertz Metamaterials Enabled by Vanadium Dioxide (VO2)”, Scientific Reports, 2017(7), 4326

17. Sean Rodrigues, Shoufeng Lan, Shengxiang Wang, et al, “Intensity-dependent modulation of optically active signals in a chiral metamateria”, Nature Communications, 2017(8), 14602

18. Yanqin Yang, Songzhan Li, Shengxiang Wang*, “Bidirectional electroluminescence from p-SnO2/i-MgZnO/n-ZnO heterojunction light-emitting diodes”, Journal of Luminescence, 2017(186),223-228.

19. Kan Liu, Jianzhen Xiang, Zhao Ai, Shoukun Zhang, Yi Fang, Ting Chen, Qiongwei Zhou, Songzhan Li, Shengxiang Wang, Nangang Zhang, “PMMA microfluidic chip fabrication using laser ablation and low temperature bonding with OCA film and LOCA”, Microsystem Technologies, 2017(23),1937-1942

20. Songzhan Li, Shengxiang Wang, et al., “Self-powered blue-sensitive photodetector based on PEDOT:PSS/ SnO2 microwires organic/inorganic p–n heterojunction”, Applied Physics A, 119:1561-1566, (2015)

21. Chang Liu, Shengxiang Wang, et al., “Self-amplified piezoelectric nanogenerator with enhanced output performance: The synergistic effect of micropatterned polymer film and interweaved silver nanowires”, Applied Physics Letters, 106, 163901 (2015)

22. Kan liu, Nangang Zhang, Shengxiang Wang, et al., “An automatic microfluidic sample transfer and introduction system”, Microfluid & Nanofluid, 16:101–108(2014)

23. Rybin Oleg, Shengxiang Wang,Substrate application of electrically enhanced microwave metamaterials”, Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, 202-204, (2014)

24. Fuli Zhang, Qian Zhao,Ji Zhou,and Shengxiang Wang, “Polarization and incidence insensitive dielectric electromagnetically induced transparency metamaterial”, Optics Express, 21(17), 19675-19680 (2013)

25. Shengxiang Wang, Fréderic Garet, Éric. Lheurette, Magali Astic, Jean-Louis Coutaz and Didier Lippens“Giant rotary power of a fishnet-like metamaterial”APL Materials, 1, 032116, (2013)

26. Jiaming Gao, Julien Carlier, Shengxiang Wang*, Pierre Campistron, Dorothee Callens,Shishang Guo, Xingzhong Zhao, Bertrand Nongaillard, “Lab-on-a-chip for high frequency acoustic characterization”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 117:753-760, (2013)

27. J Wang, M Li, X Liu, W Liu, Z Hu, S Wang*,“Improvements of the dielectric constant and ferromagnetic property of Co doped BiFeO 3 nanotubes”, Journal of Porous Materials, 20(4), 727-731 (2013)

28. Shengxiang Wang, Pierre Campistron, Julien Carlier, Dorothée Callens-Debavelaere, Bertrand Nongaillard, Assane NDieguene, et al, “Controlling the transmission of ultrahigh frequency bulk acoustic waves in silicon by 45° mirrors”, Ultrasonics, 51:532 (2011).

29. Shengxiang Wang, Pierre Campistron, Julien Carlier, et al, “A 45° silicon mirror for acoustic propagation parallel to the plane of the substrate”, Journal of Physics : Conf. Ser., 269:012009 (2011).

30. Tadeusz Gryba, Julien Carlier, Shengxiang Wang, XingZhong Zhao, Shishang Guo, Jean-Etienne Lefebvre, “One port contour-mode ZnO piezoelectric MEMS resonator”, Microelectronic Engineering, 88:3003-3010 (2011)

31. Shengxiang Wang, Frédéric Garet, Karine Blary, Eric Lheurette, Jean Louis Coutaz and Didier Lippens, “Experimental verification of negative refraction for a wedge-type negative index metamaterial operating at terahertz”, Applied Physics Letters, 97(18):181902 (2010).

32. Shengxiang Wang, Frédéric Garet, Karine Blary, Charles Croënne, Eric Lheurette, Jean Louis Coutaz and Didier Lippens, “Composite left/right-handed stacked hole arrays at sub-millimeter wavelength”, Journal of Applied Physics, 107(7), 074510(2010), selected Research Highlight.

33. Shengxiang Wang, Pierre Campistron, Julien Carlier, Dorothée Callens-Debavelaere, Bertrand Nongaillard, Assane NDieguene, Georges Nassar, Caroline Soyer, “SU-8-based nanocomposites for acoustical matching layer”, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 56, (7) 1483-1489(2009).

34. Mei-Feng Hu, Yue Zhuo, Shengxiang Wang, Yu Tian, “Study on dielectric and tunable properties of Cr-doped Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thin films by rf sputtering”, Journal of Materials Science, 43: 3162 (2008).

35. Xiaohua Sun, Huiming Huang, Shengxiang Wang, Meiya Li and Xing-Zhong Zhao, “Dielectric and tunable properties of Pb0.25BaxSr0.75−xTiO3 thin films fabricated by a modified sol–gel method”, Thin Solid Films, 516(6):1308 (2008).

36. Yong Zheng, Shengxiang Wang, Yonglin Yan, Nengwei Zhao and Xin Chen, “Microstructure evolution and phase transformation during spark plasma sintering of Ti(C,N)-based cermets”, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 26(4):306 (2008).

37. Shengxiang Wang, Jian-Hua Hao, Zhen-Ping Wu, Dan-Yang Wang, Yue Zhuo, and Xing-Zhong Zhao, “Dielectric properties of Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thin films using Pb0.3Sr0.7TiO3 buffer layers” , Applied Physics Letters, 91(25):252908 (2007).

38. Shengxiang Wang, Ming-Sen Guo, Tao Liu, Shi-shang Guo, Mei-Ya Li and Xing-Zhong Zhao, “Effect of K doping on the dielectric and tunable properties of Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thin films by rf magnetron sputtering”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 306( 1):22 (2007).

39. Shengxiang Wang, Ming-Sen Guo, Xiao-Hua Sun, Tao Liu, Mei-Ya Li, and Xing-Zhong Zhao. “Tunable, low loss Bi1.5Zn1.0Nb1.5O7/Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3/ Bi1.5Zn1.0Nb1.5O7 sandwich films”, Applied Physics Letters, 89(21):212907 (2006).

40. Mingsen Guo, Tianshu Wu, Tao Liu, and Sheng-Xiang Wang, Xing-Zhong Zhao, “Characterization of CaCu3Ti4O12 varistor-capacitor ceramics by impedance spectroscopy”, Journal of Applied Physics,99:1241113 (2006).

41. Yong Zheng, Xingzhong Zhao, Wen Lei, Shengxiang Wang, “Effects of Bi2O3 addition on the microstructures and microwave dielectric characteristics of Ba6-3x(Sm0.2Nd0.8)(8+2x) Ti18O54(x=2/3) ceramics”,Materials Letters, 60(4):459 (2006).

42. Yong Zheng, Shengxiang Wang, Min You, Hongyan Tan, Weihao Xiong. “Fabrication of nanocomposite Ti(C,N)-based cermet by spark plasma sintering”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 92:64 (2005).

43. Guo Shishang, Sun Xiaohua, Wang Shengxiang, et al, “Thermal and structural properties of high-energy electron irradiated poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer blends”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 91(2-3):348 (2005).

44. Yong Zheng, Wenjun Liu, Shengxiang Wang, Weihao Xiong, “Effect of carbon content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti(C, N)-based cermets”,Ceramics International, 30(8): 2111 (2004).

45. Yong Zheng, Min You, Wenjun Liu, Weihao Xiong, Shengxiang Wang, “Effect of Cr3C2 on the Valence Electron Structure and Plasticity of the Rim Phase in Ti(C,N)-Based Cermet”, Journal of American Ceramics Association, 82:877 (2003).

46. Yong Zheng, Min You, Weihao Xiong, Wenjun Liu and Shengxiang Wang, “Valence-electron structure and properties of main phases in Ti(C, N)-based cermets”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 82(3):877 (2003).